Dividing by 13

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

  1. Find m, such that m is the (preferably) smallest multiple of p that ends in either 1 or 9.
  2. Delete the last digit and add (if multiple ends in 9) or subtract (if it ends in 1) the deleted digit times the integer nearest to m/10. For example, if m = 91, the integer closest to 91/10 = 9.1 is 9; and for 3.9, it's 4.
  3. Verify if the result is a multiple of p. Use this process until it's obvious.
Example 1: Let's see if 14281581 is a multiple of 17.
In this case, m = 51 (which is 17×3), so we'll be deleting the last number and subtracting it fivefold.

1428158 - 5×1 = 1428153
142815 - 5×3 = 142800
14280 - 5×0 = 14280
1428 - 5×0 = 1428
142 - 5×8 = 102
10 - 5×2 = 0, which is a multiple of 17, so 14281581 is multiple of 17.
Example 2: Let's see if 7183186 is a multiple of 46.
First, note that 46 is not a prime number, and its factorization is 2×23. So, 7183186 needs to be divisible by both 2 and 23. Since it's an even number, it's obviously divisible by 2.
So let's verify that it is a multiple of 23:

m = 3×23 = 69, which means we'll be adding the deleted digit sevenfold.
718318 + 7×6 = 718360
71836 + 7×0 = 71836
7183 + 7×6 = 7225
722 + 7×5 = 757
75 + 7×7 = 124
12 + 7×4 = 40
4 + 7×0 = 4 (not divisible by 23), so 7183186 is not divisible by 46.
Note that you could've stopped calculating whenever you find the result to be obvious (i.e., you don't need to do it until the end). For example, in example 1 if you recognize 102 as divisible by 17, you don't need to continue (likewise, if you recognized 40 as not divisible by 23).
The idea behind this method it that you're either subtracting m×(last digit) and then dividing by 10, or adding m×(last digit) and then dividing by 10.


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